Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Government Shutdown

In the last article I wrote about the Republican and Democratic party’s conflicts I asked for prayer.  Guess we need to pray more.  As a pastor and counselor it is clear to me that this is a dysfunctional system and they need help and do not recognize it.  That is called denial.  In most systems whether marital or business when an impasse is reached people call for a counselor, consultant or a neutral third party.  The problem with our government is it does not recognize its need for help.  It believes it has the answers but the results prove it wrong. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is one definition of insanity.  Do governments lose their mental health?  

This government shutdown, the longest in our history, is a conflict that is a win-lose or lose- lose and those losing are the government workers who are not being paid.  This is unacceptable collateral damage in a war where there needs to be cooperation by public servants that are not doing the jobs they were hired for. Sanctions against our own people only hurt us. This is not about who is right and who is wrong but from a Biblical perspective about arrogance and self- righteousness.  When too much power is granted there is usually abuse of power or ugly power struggles. In our country we are to be governed by the “rule of law.” However, the founders believed that we needed a culture of virtue in order to have a successful republic that creates and maintains a healthy functional government.  So virtues like humility, and respect are required to create a functional republic. 

As believers in Christ we are also called to speak out against evil and this system is becoming more and more evil.  We are to call on those in power to confess their sins and repent.  Both the Democrats and Republicans are creating hardship for others without doing anything corrective about their wrong doing.  In our country government is to be called into accountability by the people they serve. 

The arguing invites people to side with one group or another, polarization.  Sometimes taking sides blinds us to the wrongs of the people we side with and then we fail to be salt and light in situations that need moral and spiritual discernment. We become emotionally reactive rather than led by virtue and faith. Can you see the evil of this system?  Are you becoming a part of the problem or a part of the solution?  Have you withdrawn from the conflict and are not a part of the solution?

Many politicians are enmeshed in their own political party and believe they have to be loyal to their party by winning against the other party or they will not be reelected. They do not know that many of us want ethical and godly politicians in office. You can write letters to your congressmen and ask for a resolve of this conflict.  That working across party lines is not disloyalty to many in America. We want public servants to resolve problems not fight each other. Tell them to stop victimizing the innocent and work together on immigration reform in a way that solves the problem rather than creates more chaos.

Christians are called to overcome evil by doing good and serving the needy.  Many across the nation are organizing to help those who are not being paid in this government shutdown.  We can do this in our home towns and cities.  We can overcome evil by providing resources for those not receiving their pay checks.  We can start with ministering in our own congregations and neighborhoods.  Do you know a federal employee who is not receiving a pay check?  Is your church helping?

The Community Food bank and DES are both trying to be of service. 

To reach your US representatives call (202) 225-3121. To reach US Senators call (202) 224-3121