Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Form and Freedom

 How do you evaluate life? What grid helps you to make sense of what you see, feel and experience?

Many things have a tension between form-structure and life-freedom.  Too much structure and life is crushed, oppressed, and snuffed out.  Too much freedom and chaos reigns, which also threatens life.

Law or morals represent form - social structure, and human rights represent freedom and the opportunity to pursue rewards. Rewards meaning that which grants us life and freedom from oppression or even death. However, too much freedom invites people to be addicted, selfish, and abusive. Too much form also invites people to abuse power, be critical, condemning, and oppressive. Martin Luther said the church can fall off either side of the horse. A wise person has the ability to define danger and yet love others, even when they pose a threat.

When I was in post graduate studies, I heard of a third-world story of a woman struggling to make a living.  In the third-world country she lived in, the government often did not protect property rights and seized people’s land.  A Christian ministry of attorneys, did work to allow the people to own their own land.  Because of this ministry, this woman was able to purchase an acre and a half and then was able to grow enough flowers to support her family.  The inability to create a structure that supports your life, is a struggle for many people in this world where freedom and human rights are oppressed. When there is no rule of law, often times rulers abuse their power and oppress others.  This woman was able to gain a structure through law that protected her and gave her the freedom to own property, make a living, and get her basic needs met.

How do we live in a society where people can steal our life from us, whether that be from abuse of power like with George Floyd or the homeless stealing out of stores in Seattle? (Seattle is dying - documentary).  How do we create a balance of form and freedom so life can flourish? Too much freedom allows tyrants whether criminals or people in power to be unjust or sinful towards others. Too much form stifles change and often keeps systemic evil in place. Rigid self-centeredness creates structures that deny others needs and oppress them rather than creating a system where all can flourish. Depravity is often denied in a postmodern world where everyone’s opinion is valid, but the elite attempt to rule. For example, in the South after the civil war slavery was replaced by sharecropping, which kept ex-slaves in debt and tied to a rigid system that denied them basic human rights, education, financial freedom, and personal development. Change was slow to come about, but oppression and freedom motivated many to leave the South for better lives in the North and the West. (The Warmth of other Suns the epic story of America’s great migration)

What grants us a balance between form and freedom?  The founders understood this tension and believed they could create a social structure that facilitated this balance, but they could not do it alone.  They believed that a republic could only function when its people were self- governed or had developed self-control. (If You Can Keep It) They believed this was only possible when virtue was developed and believed this was dependent on religion. Why? Because faith says that everyone is accountable to a moral God, not just themselves.  Psychologists and sociologists would say that family and culture play an important role in developing a person of good character today.  Structure alone cannot govern behavior, like governmental laws and policies.  What shapes identity and character is multi-faceted, family, education, cultural context, religion these are the arms and legs or bones of those social structures.     

Dependency on external controls like policies and rules initiated by government may over emphasize external control.  Internal control from being a person who has developed character and self-control is the counter balance for external control.  Externals usually have to do with others providing control, safety and benefit and internals have to do with the individual taking responsibility for self -control, safety and benefits.

The area I have studied the most lately is economic injustices.  There are still institutions that prey on the vulnerable with lending at interest rates as high as 204% in our state.  These are systemic injustices.  We eliminated payday loans in our state which were charging interest rates of 390%.  I believe that government policies should limit the interest rate and protect people from oppression. I also believe that the church and families should do interest free loans while teaching people how to manage money, self-governance. I also believe that the poor can often take personal responsibility for budgeting , debt reduction, and wealth development in their own lives through commitments to grow, learning, resources, and self- governing.  So, a heart change and character development can make a difference because a person can always spend more than they make.  I have many stories of people who have changed from being deeply in debt to having personal financial freedom and wealth, through learning and applying debt reduction and wealth development. They need a passionate vision to motivate them to gain new life and the determination to follow through with their vision .

Years ago, I ran a group with 20 single moms in it, all of which did not make more than a $1000 a month.  One mother shared with me that she had saved $15000.  I asked her how that could be? She was extremely frugal and resourceful and told me in no uncertain terms how she saved this money.

She was full of life and had structure with character traits like self- discipline.  She was creative and resourceful. She had the freedom to make changes in her life and was very persevering. This woman expanded her universe by taking initiative, risk, and finding resources.  She had passion and structure and was an amazing woman who had gained financial freedom with little income. 

People need healthy structures that help provide for life, but as the founders of our country believed these have to be created and maintained for life to thrive. These are both based on healthy character and healthy social systems for life to do well. Life is not just about fighting systemic evil, but about dealing with our own evil so we grow and can trade good for evil.

I have a Fractured Fairy Tale and Bible Study on Form and Freedom. To view it go to

Friday, October 30, 2020

Deliverance from COVID

 How are we ever going to see this virus stop plaguing us? Is this a spiritual issue?

In an age where what we see is much more prominent than what we don’t see we may be missing the spiritual story behind the narratives of today. The scripture consistently points out Israel’s relationship with the God of creation, which was a spiritual reality. He was a God who did not want them to mingle with people who did not know Him. He was concerned that they would lose their focus on Him and become “worldly.” That meant that they would ally with evil and be stained through their inability to stay separate from the tribes and their religion surrounding them.

Today we are steeped in multiculturalism. Wrong or evil is defined by the culture we live in, not necessarily by the God of the Bible.  It is a cultural sin to not be inclusive or to be “judgmental” of different cultures. However, believers whether Jews or Christians were to be first of all loyal to their God, whether that was offensive or not. To be used by God meant they had to separate from worldliness and “Be holy as [God] is holy.” (1 Peter 1:16) The objection today is that isolation is not loving, and Christians are called to be loving. That is very true! If a believer can’t be godly when around others who are practicing ungodliness they are bringing sin into the camp like Israel did and there will be negative consequences if that is not recognized and confessed and repented of, as Phinehas did, which stopped the plague on Israel (Numbers 25:1-13).

In the Old Testament God’s judgment fell on Israel when they ignored their God and what He required of them. Plagues were a part of that judgment and eliminated when Israel turned back to God.  Often these stories were very hard and even harsh in relationship to the judgment of God. It is easy to see why we today stay away from the narratives of God’s judgment. Plus, people use these stories to justify judging others harshly. But do they tell us something that can help us solve problems like the plague of Covid-19? God is a loving God and sent His son to die for our sins, so how could there be judgment? The Old Testament says that the land gets polluted from the sins of the people (Psalm 106:38). It also says that Israel was destroyed by their own sins (Psalms 106:43).  Could it be that the Church today has slipped into being too worldly and ignoring God in ways that bring His judgment or even a plague like Covid? Perhaps our sin is being too religious as the nation of Israel was when the prophets began their critiques of them before they went into captivity with Babylon (Isaiah 58). They isolated from human need and ignored God’s imperatives to care for the poor. They were not salt and light as Jesus called His kingdom to be and the religious leaders were too isolated from sinners who needed to know a loving God. As a part of the Church I know I have fallen short and been too worldly and brought shame on the Kingdom. What if there was a corporate repentance in the Kingdom of God, in the Church? Would the plague lift from our nation, from our world? We as believers know that there is grace in the New Testament because of what Christ did for us, but that may not stop judgment from falling on unrepentant sinners. “That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died. But if we examine ourselves, we will not be examined by God and judged in this way…” (1 Corinthians 11:29-31) The scriptures say that God brings plagues on people, not all the time, but sometimes (Psalm 106:15). The Old Testament accounts can be as I have said harsh, but I think that is to help us to see the gravity of sin and why Christ had to die for our sins. God’s desire is not to be punitive, but to love us. “Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked,” declares the Lord God, “rather than that he should turn from his (their) ways and live?” (Ezekiel 18:23) He does require us to turn and be separate from worldly sins. “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)  

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Presidential Debates 2020

Both parties have polarized into their oppositional positions.

Donald Trump attacked and defended himself. He broke the rules and bullied his opposition.  He came across as arrogant and lacked a positive thought out planned stance towards issues.

He needs a Fenelon in his life if he is to have a credible faith in Christ. Fenelon, a Roman Catholic French Archbishop, discipled princes in the 17th and 18th centuries, and led them into taking up their own crosses as an act of devotion and service first to Christ. His discipleship of leaders off set the temptation to abuse power, which was great in the life of any monarch.

Joe Bidden came across as a little less reactive than Trump but at times was using name calling to reach his one up position.  “I’m better I deserve to win,” which both parties use in this systemic evil that politics employs. Bidden takes the position that religion is privatized and wants things like family and faith to be out of bounds. So, he attacks morally on issues like systemic racism, but wants a boundary in terms of his son’s addiction and greed and his pro-choice stance, even though he is a Catholic.  He claims his private and public moral views should be separate. If Bidden is to have credibility for his faith it cannot be privatized and certainly only focused on party loyalty, rather than loyalty to his King.

Both parties seek alliances for getting elected. “We are the good guys they are the bad guys, vote for us.” So, religion is often there to validate their political views rather than to be subject to God and His will. I believe that the debates so far should bring us shame in America for the lack of civility and character of both candidates. Is there any other political system we could use to validate public servants? J God still rules even in the midst of a broken world. Both of the parties and candidates need prayer and God’s grace for the forgiveness of their sins, which I believe are obvious to all who watched the debate. We as Americans need prayer and God’s grace for us as a country and for our political leaders.  Please pray!

Thank you for listening!