Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Presidential Debates 2020

Both parties have polarized into their oppositional positions.

Donald Trump attacked and defended himself. He broke the rules and bullied his opposition.  He came across as arrogant and lacked a positive thought out planned stance towards issues.

He needs a Fenelon in his life if he is to have a credible faith in Christ. Fenelon, a Roman Catholic French Archbishop, discipled princes in the 17th and 18th centuries, and led them into taking up their own crosses as an act of devotion and service first to Christ. His discipleship of leaders off set the temptation to abuse power, which was great in the life of any monarch.

Joe Bidden came across as a little less reactive than Trump but at times was using name calling to reach his one up position.  “I’m better I deserve to win,” which both parties use in this systemic evil that politics employs. Bidden takes the position that religion is privatized and wants things like family and faith to be out of bounds. So, he attacks morally on issues like systemic racism, but wants a boundary in terms of his son’s addiction and greed and his pro-choice stance, even though he is a Catholic.  He claims his private and public moral views should be separate. If Bidden is to have credibility for his faith it cannot be privatized and certainly only focused on party loyalty, rather than loyalty to his King.

Both parties seek alliances for getting elected. “We are the good guys they are the bad guys, vote for us.” So, religion is often there to validate their political views rather than to be subject to God and His will. I believe that the debates so far should bring us shame in America for the lack of civility and character of both candidates. Is there any other political system we could use to validate public servants? J God still rules even in the midst of a broken world. Both of the parties and candidates need prayer and God’s grace for the forgiveness of their sins, which I believe are obvious to all who watched the debate. We as Americans need prayer and God’s grace for us as a country and for our political leaders.  Please pray!

Thank you for listening!

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